24 Hour Special Event

Until Midnight, Nutra IGF™ + Is Slashed to Just $120 $29 Per Bottle


Freeze Aging With Natural HGH (No Side Effects)

   Nutra IGF™+ Has Helped Over 50,000 Americans Look & Feel Decades Younger. We Have Documented The Incredible Success Stories Below.

Hurry, 93% Of Customers Purchase More Nutra IGF™+

  • Try Risk Free: You can try Nutra IGF™ + for 90 days with no risk. If you don't like the results (highly unlikely) you can return for a full refund, no questions asked.  
  • ​Nutra IGF™ + Is Daily Use (Results Diminish): Remember, you must use Nutra IGF™ + daily to keep progress. Like synthetic HGH it raises your levels daily. Use this page to ensure you save money and never miss a day. 
  •   Global Popularity: Nutra IGF™ + is the only natural HGH in the world and it is SOLELY produced by GDR Labs. It   has become one of the most popular supplements of all time leading to routine backorders. Stock up Today.

This Event Is First Come, First Serve

Key Benefits

  •  First OTC HGH In The World
  •  Save $91 Instant Instantly, Try Risk Free
  •  Extensively Tested (35,000 participants)
  • ​Sublingual (No Needles)
  • ​Begins Working In Days
  • ​$50 Gift Card Upon Checkout
  • ​Ships FREE Worldwide

Over 1 Million Bottles Shipped

Try 100% Risk Free & Receive $50 GDR Labs Gift Card

On this page you can try Nutra IGF™+ 100% Risk Free. Try it for a full 90 days and if it does not help you like it has thousands of others you can return it for a full refund.  Plus, you get keep the $50 gift card activated at purchase.

  • 100% Natural HGH (No Side Effects)
  • ​Available OTC
  • ​Extensively Clinically Tested
  •  No Needles Required
  • ​Certified Drug Free
  • ​Proven On Over 35,000 Private Users

Incredible Success Stories Below

To Date, Nutra IGF™+ Has Helped Over 50,000 Aging Americans Regain Their Youth

Below Are Just A Fraction Of Those Stories In Video and Written Format, Make Sure You Read Them All The Way To The Bottom Of The Page. More Stories Flood In Daily.

At 41 Years Old Nutra IGF™+ Is Allowing Me To Look Younger, Leaner & Stronger By The Day


(You Will Finalize Your Order On The Next Page)

More & More Incredible Stories Pour In Daily...

Roger Gendreau 

 Verified User

Game day ready products have beenExtremely beneficial to me. I have more energy and feel stronger. I have been using Juverin and Nutra IGF. I just ordered Sirtuin and am looking forward to see the results.

Joe Trotta

 Verified User

I had Covid one year ago. I got rid of it in 7 days. Then 3 months later I got what's called Long Haul Covid. 26 blood tests and 3 MRI's later, Four Dr's all tell me there is nothing they can do. So I did my own research. Your HGH product and with some peptides I am getting better. It's the only thing that helps. 

Peter Yuen

 Verified User

I have used “Nutra IGF” & “Sirtuin” a few years before the pandemics & have a good results. It have slow down aging. And during the pandemics that I didn’t used due to supplies & can’t buy them. It shows signs of aging. Once I started using again a few months ago, it have clear the aging process & have slow down again with good results. I strongly recommend the use of Gameday Ready products. Regard, Peter Yuen

Michel Gamil Rabbat

 Verified User

I am a strong believer in the scientific work of Mr CollinsI have been using NUTRA IGF 1 and Nutra Igf Xwith excellent resultsI wish he could prepare a cinnamon extract sublingual extract...as I daily boil some as a tea ...as it provided revitalization of my legs that were to be amputated last year...now I walk around and exercise on my exercise bike would love to donate your products to the needy ..In fact A quarter of an hour ago I sent an email to the nuncio apostolic of the Vatican in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, recommending Pope Francis to use them after reading about them by searching the internet..I watched the visit of the Pope Francis To Congo ...He is suffering and is being on painkillers in order to fulfill his visit...Your products would make a great difference ...but I cannot prescribe...I can only suggest based on my personal experience...Michel/US Citizen/Florida

Barbara Saunders

 Verified User

I have been using there products now for about 2 years. I have to say they do stand behind everything they say. I have seen a difference in my face skin since I been using nutra IGF+, healthy aging.

Hattie Wiener

 Verified User

I was a pioneer in the Anti-Aging field, in the 70's when I wrote my first book, RetroAge: 4 Steps to a Younger YOU! (Amazon) I recently added Nutra IGF+ to my already effective supplement regime. My reason for adding it? It contains an ingredient from DEER ANTLER FUZZ, an ancient remedy against aging. I'm so impressed that the product has this ingredient that I am now a dedicated user of ALL GDR products!

Lorenzo Moreno

 Verified User

Ive tried your nutra IGF+ and Sirtuin+ for a couple of weeks now. Ive gotta say that i can tell a good change as far as recovering from work amd not feeling so tired. I get a good sleep but now I’m ready the next day. 

Vance Wozniak

 Verified User

Greetings, to be very honest with you, I take a lot of supplements. I spend a lot of time trying to research and choose the products from what is available, that will do the most good for me. I practiced for 7 years as a registered pharmacist and understand the finer points of bioavailability. I have never seen such a rapid improvement in the inflammation in my hip joints, since I started using your Sirtuin+ in concert with your Nutra IGF +!! I can finally sleep soundly without the constant pain keeping me awake!! Thanks!!

janna fabian

 Verified User

I saw on the internet that GDRLabs announced that they now had HGH and that it is now legal in the US. I immediately placed an order and I am so happy i did.This one order followed other of their products.I will continue using their products and I always check to see if anything new has come up.janna

Debra Kennedy

 Verified User

Since using Nutra-IGF & Boost, my energy level has greatly improved. I plan to use these for life.

David Bowman

 Verified User

I have been on IGF+ for a while now and just one what it is doing for my body. I would recommend this product for anyone who wants to stay active and feel young!

Jean Purcell 

 Verified User

I was very excited when I heard that at last there was an easy and inexpensive way to take HGH. I have read about HGH for many years and how useful it is for good health but sadly though it has been out of the reach of ordinary folk until now and the arrival of Nutra IGF-1I had my first dose today and already feel I have more energy.It was so easy to take, I just loaded the dropper and dropped the liquid under my tongue and kept it there till it dissolved.I know it's early days, but I feel I've had more energy today and I'm looking forward to having lots more health improvements.I'm 94 and I need them!Jean Purcell

Jean Purcell 

 Verified User

I was very excited when I heard that at last there was an easy and inexpensive way to take HGH. I have read about HGH for many years and how useful it is for good health but sadly though it has been out of the reach of ordinary folk until now and the arrival of Nutra IGF-1I had my first dose today and already feel I have more energy.It was so easy to take, I just loaded the dropper and dropped the liquid under my tongue and kept it there till it dissolved.I know it's early days, but I feel I've had more energy today and I'm looking forward to having lots more health improvements.I'm 94 and I need them!Jean Purcell

Jim Pluimer 

 Verified User

I am proud user. Product performs as promised. Thanks

Raymond r johnson 

 Verified User

I like your product 

James S. Frayser

 Verified User

  I'm 70 years old. I started your IGF+ product only 2 weeks ago and already I'm feeling less pain in my knees and lower back. 

Barry Schultz

 Verified User

I started using GDR Labs nutra IGF 1 when i was 78 years old because viagra was no longer working no matter how many ì took I have discovered that nutra IGF 1 along with using the red ring works great!! I am now 81 and still able to perform like I did 50 years ago I have also discovered Neurotol,sirtuin,phytotest, and conocB2, have kept my mind sharp,kept me looking and feeling much younger than i am,also more energetic with less pain 

Eddie Williams

 Verified User

I am almost 70 years and have been the growth factor (IGF-1). This product works. I still have good BP, good muscles, good joints just for instance. Thanks Gameday for these products. 

Lynn Rochefort 

 Verified User

I feel so much better sine I started taking CONOCB2, NEUROTOL+, SIRTUIN+, and NUTRA IGF+!! I have more energy and feel so great! Thanks so much!

Jason Asbridge

 Verified User

I’m using the Clinical Strength Nutra IGF+, ConoCB2, and Gabasom. All are showing their claimed potency. Suggesting upgrading to Clinical Strength ConoCB2, if you have greater pain to remedy. Hoping it is worth the cost. 

Jason Gannon 

 Verified User

I wouldn’t know where to begin. I have been on so many of these products, and had such success with the Phyto test, the NutraIGF (hgh) , Juverin and Androcyn for male health, Conolidine which became ConoCB2 for pain, Gabasom for sleep, and probably leaving something out but anyways I’ve been on these products for a few years now and they are the real deal!!!!


 Verified User

WOW !!!After a mouthful of Androcyn, IGF1, Phytotest and Juverin my 80+ year clock is wound back by an ASTONISHING 60 years.Never would have thought it possible !!THANK YOU GDRLABS

Dawn Butcher

 Verified User

I have been using the IGF and Carditrol for about 3 weeks now and have already had to reorder. I take mine 1st thing in the am under the tongue and hold for as long as I can before swallowing. The most noticed improvement so far was more energy during the am, I usually drag until noon. The Second improvement was less joint pain. The Third improvement was I have received compliments on my skin. We just ordered a new supply, going to give it another 30 days to see what it results. Send me a review request then as well.
Most Common Nutra IGF™ Questions
How Does Nutra Work?
This part is actually quite simple.

Nutra IGF 1 is the first and only naturally extracted HGH in the world (fully OTC).

Each daily serving will nourish the body with IGF-1 (the conversion of HGH), fully optimizing levels in days.

Nutra IGF-1 does not "boost" natural production, it directly adds IGF-1 to your system like HGH shots.
How Does Nutra IGF-1 Compare to HGH Therapy?
I can answer with clinical data.

Nutra IGF-1 is pure IGF-1, derived naturally instead of made synthetically (like synthetic HGH).

Firstly, it is certainly far safer than HGH therapy with no documented side over the last several years of testing (and no needles).

Secondly, Nutra IGF-1 will not make your body "dependent" on the outside hormone therapy like HGH shots. 

Finally, Nutra IGF-1 has been shown to safely add IGF-1 to your body, gently raising to healthy levels over a period of days.

Whereas, HGH will deliver a much higher dose of growth hormones at the time of injection.

However, keep in mind, only a small portion converts into IGF-1 and makes it to your "free stores" the rest of the overdosage is what causes the "hormonal" side effects.

In the end, the same goal is achieved, maximized levels of IGF-1 - Nutra IGF-1 just does it in a safer (and less expensive) method. 

Remember, GDR Labs has also privately tested Nutra IGF-1 on over 35,000 users with exceptional results (Over 90% reported physical benefit).

In my eyes, the results speak for themselves. 
What are the common benefits of Nutra IGF-1?
The human benefits of optimized HGH are vast.
  • Healthy Bone Density
  • Increased Daily Energy
  • Decreased Body Fat
  • Increased Muscle & Strength
  • ​Increased Healing
  • Healthy & Fuller Hair
  • Healthy Red Blood Production
  • ​Increased Sex Drive (Men and Women)
  • ​Increased Sperm Count
  • Healthy Bone Density
  • Increased Daily Energy
  • Decreased Body Fat
  • Increased Muscle & Strength
  • ​Increased Healing
  • Healthy & Fuller Hair
  • Healthy Red Blood Production
  • ​Increased Sex Drive (Men and Women)
  • ​Increased Sperm Count

In general, Nutra IGF-1 stimulates the feeling of "youth" in all that take it. 

Is Nutra IGF-1 banned in tested sports like HGH?

Nutra IGF-1 is naturally derived but it is still IGF-1, it can not be used if you are a tested athlete.

It will certainly provide an unfair advantage in physical activity and recovery.
How Does Nutra IGF-1 Taste?
Full disclsoure: Nutra IGF-1 was developed PURELY as a way to powerful enhance growth factors in the body.

It will have a bit of a "spicy" taste as one of the absorption accelerators is black pepper extract.

GDR Labs has added natural flavoring to aid in the taste but you won't find it "candy" delicous.

With that said the taste has received positive feedback and the entire point is powerful growth hormone support.
When Should I Take Nutra IGF-1?
Nutra IGF-1 is daily use and best consumed at night. 

However, once you establish your schedule you will want to try to take it the same time daily so it absorbs and builds evenly in your system.

Many find that Nutra IGF-1 provides solid sleep benefits.
Will Nutra IGF-1 Help With Sexual Function?
Yes for men and women!

It is formulated to support sexual function.

Remember, HGH therapy has been tested for years as a sexual booster for couples.

With optimized levels your desire and performance will see a huge boost.

You will want to be as sexually active as possible while on Nutra IGF-1.
Can I Use Nutra IGF-1 With My Heart Condition?
Firstly, I am not a medical doctor and cannot make health recommendations.

However, this is a great question as many "hormone treatments" have heart related side effects.

I will say that none of the ingredients in Nutra IGF-1 have reported heart related side effects.

In fact, deer antler velvet has tremendous health benefits, known as a super food. 
Can Females Use Nutra IGF-1?
Absolutely, we encourage it. 

Women need optimized growth factors as much as men, they provide the same age fighting benefits.

Additionally, IGF-1 is one of the few protocols shown to boost female sex drive. 
What Happens If I Use Nutra IGF-1 Without Being Active or Sexually Active?
You do not need to be active on Nutra IGF-1, although, activity will boost results. 

Many users want to get out and do things as they feel healthier, stronger, younger and more energetic. 

You will want to put your new energy levels to good use.

I would also recommend regular sexually activity.

Now, I'm not saying you HAVE to do it daily unless you want.

However, if you go weeks or months without sex you may be left with a constant sex drive boost that could become a nuisance.
How does Nutra IGF-1 compare to "HGH Boosters"?
It works night and day.

HGH boosters simply promote your internal ability to release human growth hormone. 

Here is the issue - HGH production declines for a variety of reasons as you age and very few substances can make a real "production" impact.

Nutra IGF-1 is on par with actually taking HGH.

It is naturally derived growth factors that absorbs sublingually and directly raises your free stores.

According to data and tests, Nutra IGF-1 is FAR more effective than "testosterone booster" pills. 
Will Nutra IGF-1 Actually Work For Me?
Results will vary from person to person, as with all drugs and supplements.

However, the scientific findings and private testing have shown over a 90% success rate.
Is It FDA Approved?
Only pharmaceuticals can achieve full FDA approval.

However, Nutra IGF-1 is produced by GDR Labs where it is American made in an FDA audited facility per GMP standards.
What if Nutra IGF-1 Doesn't Work?
Steve will discuss this in detail but you are able to try Nutra IGF-1 with no risk for 90 days which is plenty of time for you to fall in love with it. 

If it doesn't bring any physical or sexual benefit you can return for a full refund.

Again, Steve will discuss more of that below.
Where Is Nutra IGF-1 Made?
Nutra IGF-1 is exclusively manufactured and distributed by GDR Labs.

It is 100% American made and fully produced in their FDA audited Atlanta, Georgia facility.
Will I "Feel" Nutra IGF-1 Working?
The "Feel" of Nutra IGF-1 is highly personal.

Some users feel very little until they go to do something physical. 

Others feel a nearly immediate "energy and well being" boost.

Most wake up feeling better and more engaged, ready to take on life.

Men and women have reported feeling sexually invigorated from the early stages. 

Ultimately, you will have to try it to see how it affects you. 
Will I "Feel" Phyto Test Working?
The "Feel" of Nutra IGF-1 is highly personal.

Some users feel very little until they go to do something physical. 

Others feel a nearly immediate "energy and well being" boost.

Most wake up feeling better and more engaged, ready to take on life.

Men and women have reported feeling sexually invigorated from the early stages. 

Ultimately, you will have to try it to see how it affects you. 
Will Nutra IGF-1 Work with Other Meds? Drug Interactions?
I cannot give medical advice and all users have different drug combinations at play.

However, none of the ingredients in Nutra IGF-1 have been shown to have negative drug interactions.

However, some drugs are sensitive to hormonal changes so that is something you will need to address with your medical professional. 
Seriously, What Are The Side Effects of Nutra IGF-1?
All ingredients in Nutra IGF-1 have been verified as side effect free. 

Additionally, GDR Labs has not reported any side effects over nearly five years of testing. 

The only concern may be "nuisance arousal" if you are not sexually or physical active.

Higher IGF-1 is like high octane fuel, your body will want to use it.
Is Nutra IGF-1 Crazy Expensive?
Steve with GDR Labs will get into pricing just below.  

As you will read it is priced well below other protocols of same potency, about 1/10th the cost of HGH therapy.

Part of my development goal was to ensure it was affordable for the average American consumer.
Hit Me Straight, What Are The Negatives of using Nutra IGF-1?
Firstly, as mentioned above, Nutra IGF-1 was not formulated for taste, you may not find it "tasty" to use daily. 

Secondly, it is made to build in your system so it may take a few days to a few weeks for you to see maximized benefit (which is why you have 90 days to try it).

The "build up" process is not as fast as HGH therapy, but it is a lot safer and less expensive. 

Finally, you may become sexually aroused throughout the day so will need to relieve that feeling with sexual activity. 
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health and physical condition. Results shown are not typical and you may not get the same benefits. However, by taking the supplement and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise, you give yourself the best chance at staying healthy and fighting off premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is provided with healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. Individual results will vary and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and nutraceutical inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products but compensated for use of his various nutraceutical ingredient manufacturing patents.

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GameDay Ready Labs, LLC. 1360 Union Hill Road, Building 11 (A & B) Alpharetta, GA 30004

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